As a traveler seeking adventure, cultural experiences, and delicious cuisine, I found all that and more in Kandy, Sri Lanka. I embarked on a journey to this bustling city, enduring the highs and lows of train travel through the stunning Sri Lankan landscape.

Upon arrival, I immediately felt the chaotic atmosphere of Kandy. However, I soon discovered hidden gems like The Royal Bar and Hotel, an old colonial building that exudes charm and character with its original fixtures, friendly staff, and top-notch gin and tonic.

The local food scene in Kandy was not to be missed. At an Indian restaurant, I surprised the staff with my newly acquired tolerance for spicy food. This moment served as a testament to the personal growth that can happen while exploring new places.

Interacting with locals is a crucial part of any travel experience. During a hike through the Knuckles Mountain range, I connected with a local guide who shared the struggles faced by the tourism industry in the wake of COVID-19. Together, we worked on a plan to help the guide establish his own adventure business, demonstrating the power of collaboration and support.

Throughout my Kandy adventure, I learned valuable lessons. Traveling solo opens up opportunities for meaningful interactions with locals, while unforgettable experiences often come from unexpected places. In Kandy, the breathtaking rice fields in the Knuckles range provided a beautiful surprise that surpassed my expectations.

In the end, my journey through Kandy, Sri Lanka, reminded me that the most memorable experiences come from the people I meet, the challenges I overcome, and the surprises I encounter along the way.


  • Kyle: Leadership by Henry Kissinger
  • Kelsey: The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu

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